Built-in Constants

GoldSim provides a number of constantsthat can be used in equations. The built-in constants are:

Abbreviation Definition Units Value
amu Atomic mass unit kg 1.6605402e-027
c Speed of light m/s 299792458
e Base of natural logarithms 2.71828182845905
ec Elementary charge (electron) s-amp 1.60217733e-019
Eps0 Permittivity of vacuum s4-amp2/kg-m3 8.85418781762039e-12
ev Electron-volt kg-m2/s2 1.60217733e-019
G Gravitational constant m3/kg-s2 6.67259e-011
gee Acceleration of gravity m/s2 9.80665
h Planck’s constant kg-m2/s 6.6260755e-34
HgDens Density of mercury kg/m3 13595.08
k Boltzmann constant kg-m2/s2-K 1.380658e-23
me Electron mass kg 9.1093897e-31
mn Neutron mass kg 1.6749286e-27
mp Proton mass kg 1.6726231e-27
Mu0 Permeability of vacuum kg-m/s2-amp2 1.25663706143592e-06
N Avogadro’s constant 1/mol 6.0221367e+23
pi Pi 3.14159265358979
R Gas constant kg-m2/s2-K-mol 8.31451
sigma Stefan-Boltzmann constant kg/s3-K4 5.67051e-008
Stemp Standard temperature K 273.15
Vmol Molar gas volume at STP m3 0.0224140972760918
WatDens Density of water at STP kg/m3 999.95
WatWt Unit weight of water at STP kg/m2/s2 9806.16
Warning: If there is an element name which conflicts with (i.e., is identical to) a constant name, the element name always has precedence. Hence, if you type an expression such as 3*R, and an element named R exists in the same scope The portion of a model from which an element's output can be referenced. You cannot reference an element in a different scope unless that output is specifically exposed., GoldSim will try to create a link to the element rather than using the built-in constant R, even if the element's dimensions An output attribute for an element that defines the dimensionality (in terms of Length, Time and other fundamental dimensions) of the output. are incompatible (such that the expression becomes invalid).