What Makes the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module Unique?
There are a variety of existing tools for simulating the transport and fate of contaminants in the environment. Because the Contaminant Transport Module utilizes all the capabilities of the GoldSim simulation framework, however, it has several unique features not present in traditional contaminant transport simulation tools:
- The program is extremely flexible, allowing it to be applied to nearly any kind of environmental system. The software is designed in a modular manner such that model details can be added by directly entering functional relationships or linking user-defined functions or subroutines (e.g., finite difference flow models) into the program. Hence, a GoldSim application can be very simple or extremely complex, and the complexity of the model can readily evolve as more knowledge regarding the system is obtained.
- The program is highly graphical, such that you can literally draw a picture of the environmental system that you wish to simulate. You can also add graphics, explanatory text, and hyperlinks to document your model.
- Uncertainty in processes, parameters and future events can be explicitly represented. Uncertainty in processes and parameters can be represented by specifying model inputs as probability distributions. The impact of uncertain events (e.g., earthquakes, floods, sabotage) can also be directly represented by specifying the occurrence rates and consequences of such “disruptive events”.
These features, in combination with powerful contaminant transport capabilities, make the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module a unique and powerful simulation tool.
Related topics…
- Activating the Contaminant Transport Module
- How the Contaminant Transport Module Documentation is Organized
- Learning to Use the Contaminant Transport Module
- What is the Contaminant Transport Module?
- What is the Difference Between GoldSim CT and GoldSim RT?
- What Makes the GoldSim Contaminant Transport Module Unique?
- Who Should Use the Contaminant Transport Module?