Species Outputs in the Browser
The Species The chemical (or non-chemical, such as bacterial or viral) constituents that are stored and transported through an environmental system in a contaminant transport model. In GoldSim, the Species element defines all of the contaminant species being simulated (and their properties). element has three outputs: a special output called Species, a vector A one-dimensional array. of specific activities (Specific_Activity), and a vector of molecular weights (Mol_Weight):
The Species output is unique, in that unlike nearly all other outputs in GoldSim, it cannot be manually linked to any input in a GoldSim model. Rather, it is automatically linked to all pathway elements and Source elements when they are created. That is, since all pathways and sources require as fundamental inputs the list of species being simulated and their properties, they automatically have an input (called Species) that must be linked to a Species element (this input only appears in the browser An alternative view of a GoldSim model, in which elements are displayed in a tree, and organized either hierarchically, or by type. views for pathways and Sources, and does not appear in their property dialogs). When the pathway or Source is created, it automatically looks for the nearest Species element and links to it. (To represent spatial variability, some models may have multiple "clones Sets of elements whose properties change simultaneously when any one member of the set is edited." of the Species element. The pathway and Sources will link to the nearest Species clone in the containment hierarchy.
The second output produced by the Species element is a vector of specific activities called Specific_Activity. This is a vector by species (i.e., based on the species array label set A special set of array labels that can only be populated and edited via the Species element.). The vector contains the specific activity A property of radioactive species, it defines the number of disintegrations per unit mass per unit time. It is typically defined in terms of Becquerels (Bq) or Curies (Ci) per gram (g). Bq and Ci both have dimensions of disintegrations per unit time. of each species. The specific activity of non-radioactive species is, by definition, zero. Therefore, the Specific_Activity output is only of use if you are simulating radioactive species. This output is useful, for example, for rapidly converting a vector of species masses to a vector of species activities.
The display units The units (e.g., m, g, $/day) in which an output is displayed within GoldSim. for this output are specified in the Species Definition dialog. Note that if you change the specific activity display units for one species, it is changed for all species.
The third output produced by the Species element is a vector of molecular weights called Mol_Weight. This is a vector by species (i.e., based on the species array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions. label set). The vector contains the molecular weight of each species. This output is useful, for example, for rapidly converting a vector of mass concentrations to a vector of molar concentrations. The display units for this output are always g/mol.
In order to save the Specific_Activity or the Mol_Weight output as a result, you must select a save option from the context menu for this output in the browser view (accessed via a right-click on the output).
Learn more
- Adding a New Species
- Defining Species Properties
- Displaying and Using Species from the ICRP Database
- Editing an Existing Species
- Importing and Exporting Species Data from/to a Spreadsheet
- Removing Species
- Reordering Species
- Simulating Non-Chemical Constituents
- Understanding the Browser View of the Species Element