Inputs and Outputs Associated with Diffusive Mass Flux Links

When a diffusive mass flux link A mass flux link in which species diffuse between pathways according to a concentration gradient. is created, GoldSim creates several new inputs and outputs on the two linked pathways which subsequently appear in the browser An alternative view of a GoldSim model, in which elements are displayed in a tree, and organized either hierarchically, or by type. view and interfaces for these pathways.

For the Outflux Pathway in the link:

Note: Although this output is referred to as a "flux", it technically is a mass rate, not a flux (since fluxes have dimensions An output attribute for an element that defines the dimensionality (in terms of Length, Time and other fundamental dimensions) of the output. of mass/time/area). The term "flux" is used here for convenience.

These new items are organized under a "folder" within the browser view of the element called Diffusive Outfluxes:

Each diffusive outflux has a separate sub-folder.

For the Influx Pathway in the link:

This item is placed in a Diffusive Influxes "folder" within the browser view of the element:

These new items in the browser views of the pathways are useful because they can be used in conjunction with the Link Cursor A special cursor for creating links invoked by double-clicking on an input or output object in a browser. to create links. For example, rather than editing the diffusive area in the link using the editing dialog, you could create a link to Area using the Link Cursor. Similarly, you could link the mass flux output itself into an Expression element A function element that produces a single output by calculating user-specified mathematical expressions., a Sum element A simple function element that sums values. or an Extrema element A function element that computes the maximum value (peak) or minimum value (valley) achieved by its input during a simulation..

Note: If you create multiple diffusive fluxes between the same two Cells, GoldSim will append the letter "c" and a number to the end of the input and output names. For example, if a second diffusive flux was added from Cell1 to Cell2, the output on Cell1 would be named "Water_to_Air_in Cell2c2" and the input on the Cell2 would be "Air_from_Water_in_Cell1c2".